Wedding Day Sound musicians will travel outside of the city of Winnipeg into rural Manitoba a distance of approximately 30 Kilometers.
We can provide music services to weddings and receptions to the following towns in Manitoba;
Elie, Ste. Agathe, Niverville, Dugald, Oakbank, Stonewall, Lorette, Selkirk, Lockport, East St. Paul, Ile Des Chenes, Headingly.
If you do not see your city listed, please contact us to find out if we can service extended travel out to your location. *Additional travel fees apply to events held outside of the city of Winnipeg.
*Fees are calculated at $0.75 per Kilometer and will include a $20.00 vehicle allowance.
Note: We do not consider The Gates on Roblin as an extended travel location outside of the City of Winnipeg.